

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2nd Annual Grape Slushie Games

It's that time of year again! For my yearly blog post and the Grape Slushie Games!! Now that alll my kids are going to school maybe I will be able to post more. Or maybe I will be busy napping. Either way we had a great but very short summer. Alabama has been good to us. Here's the line up for this years games.
Heres the cuties! Ella has a swimsuit on don't worry.
First game was squirt the cups(genius name)
Next was a marble race down this precision cut pool noodle.

Then chubby bunny. Seriously gagged the whole time. Only got five in my mouth.
Water ballon baseball! Fun for all ages!
Cookie face! Get the cookie in your mouth without touching it!
Then Grape Soda ring toss.
Jello eating contest!
Watch Stu inhale his jello!!
Oh ya that was some good eatin!
Last toss the cheet-o's on our shaving cream heads. Pretty sure all our neighbors are jealous of our hotness and poise.
I let Stu win this year. Look at his big mouth. 12 chubby bunnies. What a winner!

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