

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Holiday Funness...

I'm still trying to re-coop. Just to let you know this is how our Christmas day went. We woke up about seven thirty and opened presents at our house. It was precious to watch the girls especially Ava when she would pull something out of her stocking and say "oooohh!!Socks!" or whatever it was. Then we left for my mom's, we had to be there at nine. Well there was a snow storm in Ogden which made my sisters family late so we made breakfast and waited for them to open presents. Then when they got there we had to rush to open presents to be to Stu's mom's by eleven. El had fallen asleep on the way there but then woke up as soon as we walked in. So that was a good what ten minute nap? So we opened presents there and tried to take a family picture the girls were not cooperating. It was pretty funny. Then we left to be at his dad's by two. We had yummy dinner and played a present game. We stayed there till about six and then stopped back at my mom's on the way home. By then I was ready to curl into the fetal position and die of tiredness and holiday cheeriness. But we all survived and it was a fabulous Christmas, even tho it was super busy I don't think we would have changed it if we could.

1 comment:

Mark, Stef, and Grace said...

Hey Manda! I read your blog =) Your girl's are so cute, and I love your hair too.