

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Saturday was my baby and my babies birthday. She turned one and he turned 26. I think its so precious El decided to be born on her daddy's birthday. It was a lot of fun celebrating both of their birthdays together. We went up to Crystal Hot Springs for the day. It's a pretty long drive but we rented out a party room from ten to four and had lunch and swam in the warm water all day. The kids had a blast and it was nice and relaxing for everyone else. Eleanor was hilarious opening her presents, she would get the crazy leg syndrome every time she was handed a gift. She didn't really dig into her cake very much she just kind of picked at the sprinkles and ate a corner of the frosting. I think she thought the candle tasted better cuz she kept chewing on it when I wasn't looking. I can't believe she is one already. The year flew by. She seems a lot smaller than Ava was at a year, but I probably just can't remember right. Well hope you enjoy the pictures!


Mark, Stef, and Grace said...

So fun, I haven't been to hot springs in forever! I didn't know Stu and Ella had the same b-day, how cute!

DA pages said...

That looks like it was soo much fun! I love crystal hot springs too!

Lisa said...

It was fun to get to see you guys! How is the house selling coming along?

Brittney said...

I forgot they share a birthday, that is fun! She can't be one....time goes by too fast! Happy belated birthday to you!